Friday, October 07, 2005

Och, No!

Ordered to 'strike a pose' at Bec and Bob's wedding reception, Richard vogues, while Bec wonders just what the hell he is doing. (Oh, and note the sporan - very handy for preventing your kilt blowing up in windy weather.)


Sean M Whelan said...

At last! A pic of Richard in a kilt. You wear it well my friend!

emilie zoey baker said...

Richard, it's like you were born in a kilt. How shiny were your shoes?


richardwatts said...

Oh the shoes were very shiny - being hired and all, they were polished to a mirror-like glow. Anyone trying to look under my kilt in my shoes would have been disappointed though... ;-)

David Prater said...

Dead sexy.


richardwatts said...

Hey Lisa! Hurry up and get a blog, so I can link to you!
